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Help Support Local Music

We at Hugh’s Room Live are proud to be a cultural hub for artists and creators from all disciplines. Below are some of the guest presentations outside our regular programming that we are pleased to host at our new home at 296 Broadview. If you are interested in working with us to present your show or event, or are interested in a rental of our unique and intimate facility please contact our Executive Director Michael Booth at [email protected].


Thursday February 27 @ 7:30pm – TICKETS HERE.

GTP Presents: Wintermission

By popular demand, Garner Theatre productions will encore our Hugh’s Room Live show, GTP Presents–including new songs and new Actor-Musicians–on Thursday, February 27 at 7:30pm.

Join us for an evening with some of Canada’s top Actor-Musicians (Johnny Barefoot, Cyndi Carleton, Beau Dixon, Donna Garner, Hailey Gillis, Justine Grimes, Jonathan Gysbers, Rick Hughes, Ben Kopp, Dominique LeBlanc, & Laurie Murdoch) as they tell stories through acting, singing, movement and music. Our award-winning cast will re-imagine beloved songs as Actor-Musician numbers, with all performers playing multiple instruments throughout the night.

What is an Actor-Musician? They are theatre performers who are both the actors and the musicians onstage. This niche branch of musical theatre does not feature a separate band or orchestra from the actors. It is one group of incredibly talented and versatile artists who sing, act, dance AND play instruments. Actor-Musicianship brings emotional meaning through the fusion of music and spoken word.

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